Northern Slant contributors Steve McGookin, Alina Utrata, Matt O’Neill and Ruth Foster recently sat down to discuss our year in review. In just five points, we discussed the biggest political stories of 2018. If you missed it, you can check it out here.

In Part II, the group discussed some of their favourite books, films, concerts and – of course – Northern Slant articles of 2018.

Northern Slant Editor Connor Daly has also published a review of NS coverage in 2018 – you can read it here.

Articles mentioned in this Podcast include:

Annoying or inspiring? You decide. (On why Ben Wyatt is the feminist hero we all need)

If you love something, set it free (on the Northern Irish ‘brain drain’)

Democrats capture the House, but US remains as divided as ever

US midterms: races to watch on election night

The human connection by itself is the most important thing (a podcast with US Senator George Mitchell)

This is what democracy can look like

My first GAA match: an all-Ireland final

Me, my son, and our first Northern Ireland match

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

Also published on Medium.